Seven Days is a collection of seven shorts, and seven female characters all played by the same actress. Each life and story lives on it's own, but collectively become an immersive experience, an exhibition of real, living and breathing female characters. They are women we see everyday, yet rarely see in film. A homeless teacher, wealthy housewife, social media influencer, single mother, polyamorous, sex worker, and same-sex girlfriend. There are infinite variations before and after, these are just Seven Days.
Seven Days is a collection of seven shorts, and seven female characters all played by the same actress. Each life and story lives on it's own, but collectively become an immersive experience, an exhibition of real, living and breathing female characters. They are women we see everyday, yet rarely see in film. A homeless teacher, wealthy housewife, social media influencer, single mother, polyamorous, sex worker, and same-sex girlfriend. There are infinite variations before and after, these are just Seven Days.
Seven Days is a collection of seven shorts, and seven female characters all played by the same actress. Each life and story lives on it's own, but collectively become an immersive experience, an exhibition of real, living and breathing female characters. They are women we see everyday, yet rarely see in film. A homeless teacher, wealthy housewife, social media influencer, single mother, polyamorous, sex worker, and same-sex girlfriend. There are infinite variations before and after, these are just Seven Days.